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November 2020 Newsletter

Updated: Feb 1, 2021


Training Session - Thursday, 12 November

The next training session will be on Thursday, 12 November at 11.45am.

Singles Tournament - Sunday, 22 November

We have a full complement of players for the tournament, as well as some reserves. Hopefully we will be able to use the rings and scorers on that day, cleaning them between each round. The pistes will be marked at 3-metre widths, so some of the rules become more important for both safety and eNquePe.

1. When your opponent is playing you are required to stand off the piste either behind or at the other end out of the line of vision.

2. It is up to the person who played the last boule to declare if they are holding the point. If there is some contention, you can then measure. All players must have a tape measure. If you are still unsure after you have measured, call for an umpire.

3. All players need to have their own measuring tape and cochonnet. A 10-metre measure will be available at the scorer’s table. Jenny Webb will send out further information on the format and playing times.

Opening of Summer Twilight Games - Thursday, 3 December

A reminder, our Thursday playing time moves to 4pm from Thursday, 3 December. As advised in the last newsletter, we will open with a pizza night, with pizzas supplied by the Club.

Christmas CelebraJon - Thursday, 10 December

With the difficulty of the Covid rules around how food needs to be served, the Committee has decided to play it safe and has booked a function for Thursday,10 December at the Derwent Sailing Squadron in Marieville Esplanade. We will not have the full area to ourselves, but we will have out own section. We have opted for a simple ‘Sailors Barbecue; which will be cooked and served by the staff. We have booked for 6pm to enable members to get in a few games of petanque before the BBQ. We hope everyone can come along and need your RSVP to Sharyn by Thursday 1 December please.


A good number of our members made the journey up the East Coast for the Bicheno Club’s annual Cray Boule Carnival in October. Unfortunately, due to some very wet weather on Saturday, play was confined to the club room, but a very social day was had by all with a lot of indoor games being played, followed by an evening meal at the local hotel.

Luckily, Sunday’s weather was a complete turnaround and the sunny conditions had everyone reaching for their hats and sun screen. Congratulations to the best of the Hobart Petanque players on Sunday. They were Jenny Webb on 39, Alan Scott on 36, David Collins on 35 and Angela Waterson on 33. The scoring system was a little different, with all the points scored being counted, whether you won or lost.


Graeme has continued his training programme for both new and experienced players. Perhaps Alan Scott’s performance at Bicheno can be attributed to attending these. As mentioned above, the next training session will be on Thursday 12 November at 11.45am.


We are very pleased to have a number of new members join the Club. Welcome to Carolynne, Stewart, Carole, Dyson, Greg and Marie, who has rejoined aTer a lengthy absence. It’s great to see our club continuing to grow.


Hill Street Grocer, Sandy Bay, has become a sponsor of the Club and will be providing us with a Christmas Hamper to the value of $100 as their contribution. This will be raffled in the near future.


The latest edition of The Senior newspaper has published an article on petanque and the history of our Club. Sharyn will have copies available at the piste on Sunday.

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